Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Progressive" crown prince of Saudi Arabia

An informative article about Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz, the new crown prince of the Saudi Arabia. I am posting this as an example of a common journalistic trick - you read such an article and get a positive impression about its hero, who is "wise", "progressive" and a "good guy" in general. What the article omits, however, is that Saudi Arabia is a highly oppressive regime, which does not tolerate opposition, prohibits religious freedom, and, above all, denigrates women. And, all his positive sides notwithstanding, Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz will be just more of the same...

A nice example of a similar, but more spectacular story is the Vogue's profile of Asma al-Assad and ger gentle husband (the dictator of Syria)... but the profile has been wisely removed by Vogue awhile ago.

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